Hon'ble Dignitaries

Mr. Nirmalandu Nath
Mr. Gias Uddin Laskar
Babasaheb Dr. B.R Ambedkar society it was established for dedication of its voluntary services for the cause of the development of downtrodden society and simultaneously for helping the poor mass of the greater society since the inception of this organisation , it has rendered services and undertaken many developmental works in a diversified manner for a rural development and among its dedicated notable works in the society . as we all know, NGOs have reached out to all sections of the society including women, children, pavement dwellers, unorganized workers, youth, slum dwellers and landless labourers. NGOs are viewed as vehicle of validation of civil society. By giving legal implementation to our rights of freedom of expression and freedom of association, laws permitting the establishment and regulating the operation of NGOs create strong support for democracy in India.
As per published National Policy by the Government of India “Voluntary Action Cell May 2007&rdqu Read more